Kalita Brew Guide

This is the recipe recommendation for brewing our coffee on a Kalita brewer.
Needed items:
Kalita Wave 185 Stainless Steel Coffee Dripper
Kalita Wave 185 Coffee Filters
Kettle/Hot water
25 grams (~4 TBS) Ground Coffee
Optional (but recommended) items:
Burr-style Grinder
How to brew a Kalita
1. Bring your water to a boil. Begin with a Kalita brewer with a filter placed inside. Set this on top of your mug or carafe.

2. Measure 25 grams (approximately 4 TBS) of medium fine ground coffe and place into your filter.

3. Start your timer. Pour a small amount of water over the grounds, just enough to fully saturate the coffee bed (this is called the "bloom"). Allow coffee to bloom for 30 seconds.

4. Pour a small but steady stream of water directly over coffee in small circles. Bring the water level to the top of the filter and allow it to drop slightly before pouring more. Repeat until your total water volume has reach 415ml, or about 1 3/4 cups. Pour slowly, so that you reach your total volume in about 3 minutes.

5. When all of the water has drained from the filter, remove the Kalita and compost the used filter and grounds.

6. Your coffee is now ready. Pour, enjoy, repeat!