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Holiday Roast gives back with each bag

Holiday Roast

Brown Sugar, Spice, Chocolate

Roast Level: Medium

Origin: Maya Ixil Cooperative in Guatemala and the La Hilda Estate in Costa Rica

Tasting Notes: Brown Sugar, Spice, Chocolate

Buy our Holiday Roast coffee and support the families who grew this tasty coffee!

Your purchase will help support these entrepreneurial coffee farmers and their families.

For every bag of Holiday Roast coffee purchased, Portland Coffee Roasters will donate $1 to Food 4 Farmers.

Help us meet our goal of donating $12,000 to this wonderful organization! Read more of this coffee’s story below.

About This coffee:

Our 2023 Holiday Roast coffee comes from the Maya Ixil cooperative in the NW highlands of Guatemala and the La Hilda Estate in Costa Rica. We roast this coffee to a medium level to bring out its chocolaty sweetness, with notes of citrus, berries, and a hint of holiday spice. Our donation to Food 4 Farmers will help support the Maya Ixil Cooperative, in addition to other Latin-American farming family communities.

A world where every coffee-farming 
family has enough 
nutritious food every day

Food 4 Farmers:

Food 4 Farmer's vision is “a world where every coffee farming family has enough nutritious food every day”. 
They partner with coffee-farming communities to cultivate a food-secure future. Food security means having, at all times, both physical and economic access to sufficient food to meet dietary needs for a productive and healthy life.

Maya Ixil and Food 4 Farmers:

Food 4 Farmers helps diversify Maya Ixil coffee growers' income sources by establishing and supporting beekeeping, agroforestry, and organic home gardens.

 Food security and adequate livelihoods are critical to our coffee partners and their families. You can help support these coffee farmers and get some great tasting coffee at the same time!